Friday 26 May 2017

a plea for help

Who would have thought on a beautiful Manchester morning, hours later, a bombing would take place?

Suicide bomber Salman Abedi is the alleged suspect for the bombing after the Ariana Grande concert that took place in the city square, but my emphasis is not about why the bombing took place, its these inspirational words said by Theresa May, the prime minister of England. “As we also experience the worst of mankind, we also saw the best, the cowardice of the attacker met the bravery of emergency services and the people of Manchester. The attempt to divide, meant countless acts of kindness that brought people closer.”

It’s this act that at the end of the day will save us all. It’s in our blood to be selfish cruel and to put our ourselves first, it simply is an act of survival! But deep down, every one of us has a ray of positivity just waiting to escape from the deep, dark trenches of our hearts. The ray of positivity just needs to be kindled with a little bit of adrenaline!

It’s this beauty, that people like Martin Luther King Jr, mother Teresa and Gandhi recognized in us. it’s this beauty that is worth every passing day. It’s this beauty that needs to be kindled and alighted!

Even if man discovers the secret to prosperity, even if he discovers how to fly to another space, none of it is worth it without this kindness and bravery and no, jumping out of a plane is not the bravery I’m talking about, it’s that feeling you get when you know you’ll do anything to save your loved one! It is about uniting to dispel destruction of all sorts

Manchester just know that we are with you in these hard times!