Sunday 14 October 2018

From one "fat" person to another.

Fat: a natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies. Fat: a biological component. A macronutrient. An insulator. If fat is all this, why did it suddenly become an insult? Even with all the rallies and campaigns, magazines don’t understand that diets shouldn’t be to impress that high school boy, they don’t understand that they shouldn’t advertise “tens tips to be the perfect ten.”  We live in a world where fake news governs our lives more than real, wholesome tragedies do. Why do we keep hearing about photoshopping models? Why are diseases like bulimia and anorexia side effects of high school bullying? When you’re small, the perfect woman is one that’s skinny, tall and “beautiful.” Why does the media proclaim that beauty is to have plump lips, doe eyes and bony faces? As I scroll through my feed, I see so many posts telling me how to “embrace my curves and love my body” but how do I, when I’m surrounded by a world that tells me to do the exact opposite?

Why do my friends keep feeling insecure about their weight and skin? “I’ve grown fat don’t you think?” “Don’t eat that you’ll become even more fat!” Why does society put so much pressure on women to be the ideal shape and size? The Kim Kardashian hourglass shape is awed and ogled by people around the global community, yet a hard-working conservative shy girl isn’t? Why must women be seductive and sultry? Can’t they just be confident and empowering? I’ve seen too many messages about “losing weight will make you more confident.” Women need to start feeling comfortable in their skin, body or ethnicity. Why must the media dictate how a woman should live her life? No one tells men to get silicone implants or lip injections. So, to anyone reading this; regardless if you’re a man or woman, you are beautiful and loved no matter what you look like. Never let anyone dictate how to spend your time, effort and money. So, from one “fat” person to another, love yourself. It's simple.


  1. From one fat person to another, agreed. We still live in a world where loving yourself is revolutionary, where hate has a speakerphone and survival is for the most beautiful for soceity rather than the more skillful. As the world runs around in circles, behind norms, behind objectification, it's great to be prodded to love ourselves once in awhile. So I guess from two fat people to another: Love yourself. You are more than worth it.

  2. I love it so much. Really inspirational. Good job Nates❤️

  3. Beautiful Nethra! Keep these rolling, would love to read more such from you!

  4. From your beautifully proud fat mother, i love you child...

  5. Wonderfully written Nethra👌.. you are wise beyond your years.. keep it up👍 love❤️you..

    1. Good one awesomeness Nethra. I always believe in weight as per height and personality. If one is able to have stamina and breath normal and could swim breathless in the pool, fitness check passed.. Keep writing. My advise. Keep it short as people tend to skip long content. Instant connect leads to instant gratification

  6. Awesome Netra, I'm really glad younger generation like you is on right track of thinking, really proud of you.

  7. Women are 'taught ' to be not proud of their body and the way they are, else cosmetic companies won't make money. Great words from a young heart . Keep writing.

  8. Good going, Nethra! Keep at it :) Love yourself, indeed. As for a world that just tells you what to do without looking at who you are, and then just turns to the next thing to criticise? Dust off the shoulder.
    Looking fwd to your next:)

  9. Powerful piece of writing nethra.

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  11. Superb Nethra please write more

  12. You are way ahead of your age, Nethra! A very thought proving read for both teenagers and adults alike. Great work!

  13. Well articulated piece Neths!! Proud of you for your maturity in thought and words.... From one fat person to another, more power to you and may you continue to write fearlessly. If anything the Fat insult only made me more fitness driven and even stronger. All the fat probably insulated my ego! Awaiting your next..... :)

  14. Good one awesomeness Nethra. I always believe in weight as per height and personality. If one is able to have stamina and breath normal and could swim breathless in the pool, fitness check passed.. Keep writing. My advise. Keep it short as people tend to skip long content. Instant connect leads to instant gratification

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    2. You must have read this I guess Gayu. If you ask me to write in 10 pages I will need 1 hour. If you ask me to write in 5 pages I will need 15 hours. If you ask me to write in 1 page I will need a week time - Abraham Lincoln said this"

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  15. Well said Nethra. Unfortunately we think we are just our bodies, that too as defined by someone else. But we are more. So much more. I think fatshaming warrants its own #metoo movement because it's such an insidious form of abuse. Keep writing. We need more voices like yours.

  16. Very well written Nethra! Glad you think so wisely.

  17. Well written Nethra... insightful piece. The world will take time to catch up, but you march on girl!

  18. very well written way to go Nethtra keep rocking..

  19. Great thoughts, very well written and expressed, Nethra,keep writing!
